Blast Worship


October 13, 2020

Mexican powerviolence purveyors HONG KONG FUCK YOU are coming to the bottom row of a festival flier near you.

Nasum Reunion Performance DVD Coming in December

October 6, 2020

Nasum: Blasting Shit to Bits captures the final live performance of the Swedish grindcore heroes on a new DVD.

Blast Worship: Soil of Ignorance

September 29, 2020

Canadian blasters Soil of Ignorance are firmly embedded in grindcore’s fertile roots.

Blast Worship: Skullsmasher

September 22, 2020

The ever-prolific Andrew Lee returns with some new “emotional grindcore” from his Skullsmasher project.

Blast Worship: GRID

September 17, 2020

Swedish grindcore trio GRID continue Umeå, Sweden’s proud tradition of fantastic outsider art.

Blast Worship: Pyosisified

September 8, 2020

Texas one-woman grindcore project Pyosisified is, of course, rotten to the gore.

Blast Worship: Audiotrauma

September 1, 2020

Peruvians blasters Audiotrauma ride the crushing wave of South American grindcore dominance

Blast Worship: Human Obliteration

August 25, 2020

Sactown duo Human Obliteration are an ode to early ’90s skate-punk, a la Suicidal Tendencies, except with, you know, blast beats.

Blast Worship: Snarler

August 18, 2020

Nova Scotia trio Snarler deliver a bit of the ol’ ultra grindviolence.

Blast Worship: Ixias

August 11, 2020

Find out why D.C. grind duo Ixias are the first double-dip in Blast Worship history.

Blast Worship: Houkago Grind Time

August 4, 2020

Ripped to Shreds main man Andrew Lee gets his blast on with Houkago Grind Time

Inhalement Release New EP “Eternally Stoned”

July 28, 2020

Drop out of life with the new Inhalement EP, Eternally Stoned, in hand.

Blast Worship: Cephalothoracopagus

July 14, 2020

Philly’s Cephalothoracopagus play the grindcore twin-killing of blast ‘n’ groove.

Blast Worship: Wreck

July 7, 2020

German blasters Wreck are a masterclass in how a modern, clean production should sound for a grindcore band.

Blast Worship: Hate for Humanity

June 30, 2020

CA grinders Hate for Humanity specialize in short and violent, like Joe Pesci beating Billy Bats into the fucking ground.

Blast Worship: Putrid Parrot

June 23, 2020

One-man grind machine Putrid Parrot doesn’t cry fowl.

Blast Worship: ASADA

June 16, 2020

Get down with the brown(sville) sound of Texas grindcore machine ASADA.

Blast Worship: Holy Grinder

June 9, 2020

Jump, jump, jump on the tiger and feel the heart of Canadian noisemongers Holy Grinder.

Blast Worship: FUCKED

June 4, 2020

If you like grindcore, get FUCKED. Seriously, get FUCKED!

Video Premiere: WVRM – ‘Black Flags Toward Sodom (Me Ne Frego)’ / ‘Tank Reaper’

May 26, 2020

Blast off your post-holiday hangover with a new video clip of new tracks from rising grinders WVRM.

Blast Worship: Chepang

May 19, 2020

Chepang‘s new LP, CHATTA might be the grindcore album of the year.

Blast Worship: Snagg

May 12, 2020

No noise interludes, no Werner Herzog samples, just poorly recorded (but properly executed) moron grind for your reptilian brain stems from Snagg.

Blast Worship: Scalp the Pioneer

May 7, 2020

Boston blasters Scalp the Pioneer don’t mice words on The Idiot’s Guide to Self-Hatred.

Blast Worship: Vixen Maw

April 21, 2020

In which our grindcore correspondent talks about Brooklyn again? OMG, can you believe he actually lives there? Crazy, right?!?!

Blast Worship: Born Backwards

April 14, 2020

Chi-town’s Born Backwards are your new favorite Midwest gore hyper blast band. Also, who were your old favorite?

Blast Worship: Convulsions

April 7, 2020

Meet Spanish grinders Convulsions, who believe both in blasting and brevity.

Blast Worship: Feastem

March 31, 2020

If ya can’t (blast)beat ’em, Feastem.

Blast Worship: Martha’s Got a Limp Wrist

March 24, 2020

Get to know, Martha’s Got a Limp Wrist, a grindcore band not afraid to have fun!

Blast Worship: ATKA

March 17, 2020

German grinders ATKA write killer songs, not killer song titles.

Blast Worship – Stagnater

March 10, 2020

Boston blasters Stagnater drop the blade with new release The Guillotine Demo.