Holy moly, do we have a hot one here! Brooklyn based experimental grind unit Vixen Maw have teamed up with fellow Brooklynites THIN as well as U.K.-based sludgers Slabdragger and Wallowing to release a four-way split that simply put, pushes extreme metal to its outer limits. The Vixen boys (now including noise artist and frequent Chepang collaborator Wreckless Life in its ranks) have been kind enough to allow us to premiere their side of the split via Decibel.
It’s become increasingly rare nowadays that band’s music blows minds upon first listen but Vixen Maw have truly done that. The four songs they contribute to this split are an absolute whirlwind of hellish noise, industrialized grind and even cartoonish whimsy, blending influence from NOISM all the way to dubstep.
This record is already easily one of the best of the year and is an absolute must for anyone looking for something fresh breathed into the extreme metal scene.
Order here now via Sludgelord Records.