Decibel Books’ ‘Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult’ Back in Stock and ON SALE NOW!
November 25, 2024 Decibel Magazine
Copies of Decibel Books’ Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult—Restored, Expanded & Definitive Edition are in stock and on sale for a limited time only!
Read About the Genesis of IMMORTAL in an Exclusive Excerpt from Dayal Patterson’s Landmark ‘Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult—Restored, Expanded & Definitive Edition’
January 19, 2024 Decibel Magazine
Copies of Decibel Books’ Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult—Restored, Expanded & Definitive Edition are in stock and shipping NOW!
Get a FREE Patch with All ‘Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult’ Pre-Orders While Supplies Last!
November 1, 2023 Decibel Magazine
Preorder the massive 800-page Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult—Restored, Expanded & Definitive Edition and get a free woven patch while supplies last!
‘Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult—Restored, Expanded & Definitive Edition’ Now Available for Pre-order via Decibel Books!
July 17, 2023 Decibel Magazine
This ultimate edition of Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult includes 120,000 words of new content, over 60 new interviews, an 80-page color section, improved layout & a stunning new cover.
Track Premiere: Samael – ‘Black Supremacy’
September 15, 2017 Emily Bellino
Stream a new song and read an interview with Samael.
New documentary explores rocky relationship between Christianity and heavy metal
September 14, 2017 Greg Pratt
Can Christianity and heavy metal really be compatible? The new movie Metal Missionaries aims to find out.
Hall of Fame Countdown: Samael- “Worship Him”
February 2, 2017 J. Andrew
For those of you looking to catch up on black metal classics that came before 1992, go ahead and spin Fallen Angel of Doom, Ritual and Anno Domini, but be sure to make some time for this essential serving of darkness as well.
The [Future] Cutest Kitties in Metal Live at Clover Cat Rescue
November 22, 2011 Adem Tepedelen
As evidenced by our “Cutest Kitties in Metal” article back in the December 2009 issue, we here at Decibel are staunch friends of the feline. Sure, goats are semi-regularly sacrificed at Decibel HQ whenever we need a little bump in subscription numbers, but no cats are ever harmed in the making of our hallowed mag….