Aura Noir

Top Ten Black-Thrash Albums by Steve Jansson (Daeva)

December 6, 2017

Steve Jansson (Crypt Sermon, Trenchrot, Daeva) discusses his top 10 black-thrash albums with Decibel.

VBERKVLT Instagram challenge wants metalheads to post their vinyl for prizes

June 1, 2017

VBERKVLT have a new Instagram contest happening that involves metal, vinyl, you, and prizes. We caught up with the man behind it all to find out the details.

LIVE EVIL FESTIVAL 2011: Video Highlights

October 31, 2011

A few weeks ago we posted a Live Evil festival preview which was, in all fairness, maybe a little mean-spirited seeing that the vast majority of folks couldn’t cross ocean, continent or geographical border to attend an underground metal festival in London, U.K. Not at such notice, anyways. Live Evil 2011 was the festival’s sophomore…


September 26, 2011

One way to make sure your festival doesn’t suck, isn’t polluted by buy-on bands and weird compromises that all but beseech the audience to head to the bar for every third act is to have Darkthrone’s Fenriz choose the line-up. Using our favorite hiking metal punk’s Band of the Week blog to draw upon, the…