Seventh Rule

Track Premiere: Sheenjek—”Monkey Brains”

July 15, 2020

Ready for some stoner post-punk psych rock to help you get in touch with your inner simian? Sheenjek is here to oblige with the raucous “Monkey Brains.”

Celebrate 10 years of Seventh Rule by winning all their records

December 23, 2013

What with a holiday season to service and a ten-year anniversary to celebrate, the good people of Seventh Rule Recordings have doubled down on the good cheer and offered you the chance to win their entire vinyl discography in their 10 Year Glitch Prize Package Says a dispatch from Seventh Rule’s Portland HQ: “Seventh Rule…

CONTEST: Win Thergothon’s “Stream from the Heavens” Test Press

February 20, 2013

If Decibel was worth its weight in ink, paper, and stress—mostly on the shoulders of our beloved EIC Mr. Mudrian—then we’d have some staffers who were there when Thergothon dropped its only long-player Stream from the Heavens like a Cthulhu tentacle on wee Italy-based indie Avantgarde Music. We do have staffers who were there, bought…

PREVIEW || Check out a couple of tracks from Alarich/Atriarch split LP

March 9, 2012

We are well aware that it’s Friday but press pause on the celebratory Van Halen for like 10 minutes or something (some unfortunates have to work the weekend, y’know) because we’ve got some crucial FYI for fans of the noir melancholia of doom, death rock. Atriarch and Alaric have a split out in April 17th…

Heavy ship: Batillus’ captain Geoff Summers talks heavy doom

August 15, 2011

All of you good people out there whose recreational time is spent zoning out, hunting down and then getting suitably crushed in turn by overly hefty riffs should really be taking notice of New York doom outfit Batillus. Their debut longplayer Furnace has all of the weight required to wind on impact, but is also…