
Celebrate 10 years of Seventh Rule by winning all their records

December 23, 2013

What with a holiday season to service and a ten-year anniversary to celebrate, the good people of Seventh Rule Recordings have doubled down on the good cheer and offered you the chance to win their entire vinyl discography in their 10 Year Glitch Prize Package Says a dispatch from Seventh Rule’s Portland HQ: “Seventh Rule…

Seattle By Way of Arrakis

April 10, 2012

Meet Sandrider, the excellent new stoner rock/metal band of Nat Damm and John Weisnewski of Seattle noisecore heroes Akimbo. By way of introduction, we are streaming “The Corpse,” a standout track from the band’s epic self-titled slayfest available now from Good to Die Records. Though a very different beast musically, Sandrider’s debut, hypnotic and pummeling…