Album Review: Sepultura – ‘Quadra’
January 28, 2020 Adrien Begrand
Sepultura‘s latest, Quadra, is Decibel‘s album of the week.
Fallow Heart: Heavy Meta Part 6: Extreme Closure
August 16, 2019 Forrest Pitts
We conclude our mammoth “Heavy Meta” series with a look at the direct impact of Decibel‘s own review of a Winterfylleth album on the artist himself.
Album Review: Tomb Mold – ‘Planetary Clairvoyance’
July 25, 2019 Sean Frasier
The wait for Tomb Mold’s next death metal masterpiece is over before it began
Fallow Heart: Heavy Meta Part 4 (Voivod, Crowbar & Monstrance on Album Reviews)
July 19, 2019 Forrest Pitts
In the fourth installment on our Heavy Meta series, Forrest Pitts examines album reviews from the artists’ perspective.
Fallow Heart: Heavy Meta Part 1
May 31, 2019 Forrest Pitts
Longtime metal journalists Jeff Wagner and Ula Gehret go deep on the mechanics of the heavy metal record review.
Is Music Criticism Obsolete?
November 16, 2016 Shane Mehling
Is technology killing music criticism? This is an honest question. It’s killing plenty of other things, so why would this somehow be immune?
Flesh Parade – Heavy Metal Tattoo Reviews – Slayer Ass
October 6, 2011 Frank Lemke
Ha! I’ve finally received a heavy metal tattoo for critical analysis! This week’s installment of Flesh Parade comes from Josh over at the LunchMeat VHS fanzine. Josh says that he got this tattoo after a night of heavy drinking. Drunk points? Check. Josh continues, “It was decided that my buddy, who was the piercer of…