Dark Angel
Dark Angel Guitarist Jim Durkin Passes Away at 58, GoFundMe Announced
March 13, 2023 Albert Mudrian
On March 8, Jim Durkin, guitarist of thrash metal legends Dark Angel, died at the age of 58. Please consider helping cover the cost of his final arrangements and medical bills.
Five Heavy Albums that Changed My Life with Peter Wiwczarek of Vader
April 30, 2020 Greg Pratt
To celebrate the release of Vader’s new album, Solitude in Madness, we caught up with vocalist/guitarist Peter Wiwczarek to find out what five heavy albums changed his life.
Prong Frontman Tommy Victor Ranks Top 5 CBGB Sets He Worked Sound For
July 28, 2017 Emily Bellino
Long-running industrial/crossover mainstays Prong released their twelfth full-length, Zero Days, today. To celebrate, Decibel asked frontman Tommy Victor — who ran sound at CBGB’s in the 80’s — to rank the five most insane sets he worked sound for. What follows were his answers; Victor has clearly witnessed and contributed to some legendary performances. Dark Angel (February 8,…
Decibel’s Top 5 Thrash Metal Logos
June 23, 2014 Chris Dick
5. Sabbat Brit thrashers Sabbat were among a select few to come from the island to have made a genuine impact. To this very day, Dreamweaver remains singular. The group’s logo also has similar import. Like most thrash metal logos, it’s readable at a distance yet it has an edge to it. Each letter in…