A Day in the Life of Chris Grigg (Woe), Part Drei

October 7, 2010

By Chris Grigg (Woe) Hello once more, Deciblog! Been a while. Not long enough, some would say… but their opinions don’t matter. In case you missed the earlier installments of this series, my name is Chris Grigg and I am in a band called Woe. On October 12, Candlelight Records is releasing our new album,…

Ashmedi’s (Melechesh) biographical column & chaotic metaphysical thoughts, Part XV

October 7, 2010

This was a hectic summer. The album recording took all my time and attention. I lost track of night and day, was locked up in the studio for around over a 100 days. Give or take a few days. So, am I excused for the delay in delivering this edition? I would like to thank…

This is The Video of the Year (NSFW)

October 7, 2010

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UES1eNy9qo Right about now, all your favorite (and most-hated!) Decibel writers are hustling to get their year-end lists together for the Big Man In Charge. But I’d like to take an opportunity to share with you my favorite video of the year. It eclipses “genre,” so don’t go bitching about how it’s not metal. Blow me—this…

The “Heavy Metal Picnic” Trailer Is Here

October 6, 2010

Grab a bucket of fried chicken and potato salad. And don’t forget a blanket and some boxed wine. It’s Heavy Metal Picnic time. Jeff Krulik and John Heyn, the fellas behind Heavy Metal Parking Lot, worked their magic with footage taken by Rudy Childs at a 1985 hesher-fest billed as Full Moon Jamboree in Bumfuck,…

Angel Witch – “Angel Witch”

October 6, 2010

Because Angel Witch’s debut turned out to be not only their best album, but the only one recorded with anything resembling a stable lineup, it seems all the more precious today.

Dave Mustaine Looks Like…

October 5, 2010

Rainy days and Tuesdays always get us down here at the Deciblog HQ. Why? Who the hell knows?! Lack of sleep, realizing we’ve run out of Rice Milk after we’ve already poured our cereal, the sole of our right shoe is delaminating, or we just can’t seem to write a catchy headline are all good…

Anal Cunt’s Seth Putnam Celebrity Sex Tape

October 5, 2010

Rumors are that Anal Cunt’s Seth Putnam is releasing a “celebrity” sex tape in support of his upcoming cock rock album on PATAC Records. While not much is known if Putnam is truly going the Warrant route or is merely taking a piss (predicted) with his as-yet-untitled cock rock debut, photos have surfaced showing the…

Amorphis – “Tales From the Thousand Lakes”

October 5, 2010

Tales From the Thousand Lakes is a pivotal album. Not just for Amorphis—if it weren’t for loads of ambition, wide-open minds and a bit of dumb luck, this induction would never be—but for death metal post-1994.

Vinyl Nerds, you’re fucking dead

October 4, 2010

So after the lukewarm reception the Triple Decker record received last week, here’s another innovative way to present vinyl- with your own shitty ashes. And Vinyly will produce up to 30 records that contain your earthly remains, each one with 24 minutes of whatever audio and artwork you think will somehow represent your life, which…

Refused – “The Shape of Punk to Come”

August 18, 2010

The story of Refused’s last—and best—album starts with the first line of Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl,” which drummer David Sandström scrawled across one wall of the band’s recording space as a mantra: “I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness.”