If new extreme industrial project Ungraven sounds like UK doom warriors Conan conjuring the flashbang intensity of Nailbomb there’s good reason: Ungraven is the new solo project of Conan mastermind Jon Davis. Ungraven’s churning rhythms and crushing heaviness should surprise nobody familiar with the volume addict’s canon. But Ungraven’s hate songs reimagine Fudge Tunnel through the lens of late ’80s Bathory and early computer RPGs. Between the urgency of Ungraven’s Language of Longing debut and the striking cover art, it feels like a point ‘n’ click exploration of the dystopian wasteland left after the central battle in “Blood Fire Death.” In Ungraven’s “Aggro Master” single, a blastbeat pummels a city’s ruins into rubble before distortion crashes down from a mustard gas sky. Mixed and mastered by Chris Fielding at Skyhammer Studio, there’s a signature Black Bow Records harshness to the song. But by the time “Aggro Master” closes, you can feel the song’s mechanical pulse and flirtations with primordial black metal are a source of new inspiration for Davis.
“Ungraven is slowly taking shape as a heavy outlet for some of my ideas,” shares Davis. “As doom metal eats itself, I feel compelled to branch out slightly into a less easily pigeonholed format. Almost without trying I came up with some cool ideas and took them to Chris Fielding. These became the first EP, and from there I am now working on new material. Working with programmed drums is pretty weird for me; I’m really new to it, but I’m enjoying the dynamic.”
Press play below for a lyric video of Ungraven’s “Aggro Master.” Submit to its 16-bit heaviness before the official release date from Black Bow Records on March 1st.