Evil Invaders have done a nice job of releasing energetic, retro speed metal over the last few years. Led by dual-guitar assaults and piercing screams, the Belgian group hasn’t lost a bit of their charm on their new music.
“Raising Hell” is heavy on fast riffing and big vocals with a wild solo thrown in— exactly the expectation Evil Invaders gave us on their debut album, Pulses of Pleasure. Add in the band’s old school look and flashing lights and you have the music video.
The band’s guitarist/vocalist, known simply as Joe, had this to say about the “Raising Hell:”
““Raising Hell” is one of our most energetic songs so far! It’s about life on the road where there’s no time to slow down. Take Motorhead on full fucking speed and you have it! For the video we decided to work with a live setup that reinforces the power, speed and adrenaline that this song already contained. So get ready to get your guts blown out and raise some fuckin’ hell!”
Evil Invaders’ In For The Kill drops on September 30 on Napalm Records. You can get it here.