Varg Vikernes
The Top 10 Comments on the Lords of Chaos Trailer
January 18, 2019 Emily Bellino
The best comments angry Youtubers left on the Lords of Chaos trailer.
Mayhem Announce Meet And Greet Before Upcoming Philadelphia Performance
January 27, 2017 Emily Bellino
Want a chance to partake in a meet and greet with Mayhem? Find out more here.
The Varg Vikernes Spring Collection is Here!
April 16, 2012 Shawn Macomber
Look, as regular viewers of Project Runway and The Rachel Zoe Project already well and truly understand, there is a fine line between embodying haute couture and becoming, in the immortal words of Tim Gunn, “a pterodactyl out of a gay Jurassic Park.” In Varg Vikernes’ promo shoot for the upcoming (actually quite excellent!) third…
Varg Vikernes (Burzum) interviewed
March 15, 2011 Chris Dick
Do you see much similarity—musically, thematically—between Belus and new album Fallen?Varg Vikernes: Yes I do. Musically because it’s still Burzum (…) and thematically because to some degree Fallen deals with the same subject, only it’s not in a mythological context, and on a personal level. I know you didn’t see Belus as black metal. But…