Video Premiere: Bergeton – “Miami Murder”
September 25, 2020 Sean Frasier
The True Mayhem shredder Teloch also crafts scintillating synthwave as Bergeton. Watch the borderline-NSFW video for “Miami Murder” now.
Mayhem Guitarist Teloch: “Touring the USA Is Always the Icing on the Cake”
February 21, 2020 J. Andrew
According to the Mayhem guitarist, “Even though it’s a hassle and insanely costly, this is the tour we always look forward to!”
NUNFUCKRITUAL: Brief interview with hideous(-ish) mainman Teloch
December 23, 2011 Jonathan Horsley
Jeez, you do tend to reproach yourself when the wheels are set in motion and you’ve gone and booked Sunday evening interview time with a dude who shares his working hours between black metal kingpins Mayhem and the evocatively titled NunFuckRitual. Teloch came with the disclaimer that he has some pretty gritty stories to share….