Full Demo Stream: Throat Breach – ‘Humiliating Distortion’

Throat Breach are a grindcore unit from Salt Lake City, Utah. Since 2017 they’ve waged a prolific war against serenity and comfortable listening. On their third full length, Humiliating Distortion, Throat Breach’s self-described ‘boiling, tar[-]soaked sludgy grindcore” sound hits with an especially prophetic punch upon learning what concepts and themes inform Humiliating Distortion

Multi-instrumentalist Ian Turpin, the band’s sole operative, describes Humiliating Distortion as “a sequel to Hideous,” the band’s sophomore full length, released in 2018 “It’s [about] a lot of the feelings I had about isolation and nihilism since I’m like a ‘very-online-person’.”

With this album coming out during a time when we’re all in isolation, Ian hopes Humiliating Distortion “can provide [some] catharsis.”

“Maybe a window into how I’ve felt since this has just been my lifestyle since before the virus hit. Maybe after jamming it they’ll end up with some new holes in their wall,” he laughs. “I originally wrote and recorded [Humiliating Distortion] in like Summer/early Fall of last year so I didn’t expect the themes of the album to become so prevalent now. Irony has foresight, I suppose. I think the goal of the album, as I was writing it, [was] to comb through feelings of being isolated and being alone with myself, and trying to glean some sort of better route to deal with those and come out a different person. Like I’m 24 now and like searching for ‘relatable content’ on the internet to shed past skins of myself or something. I guess to sum it up better, for me the album is like staring at a mirror. Except the mirror is a computer with the blue screen of death and it’s screaming at you.”

Humiliating Distortion

Get Humiliating Distortion on pro-tape for Desert Wastelands Productions.