Dissection, Sacramentum and Necrophobic rightly get props as the originators of the melodic black/death metal hybrid (pro tip do not snooze on Unanimated’s Ancient God of Evil album if you’re down with aforementioned trio), but a modern way of melodic black/death metal bands has been waving of the flag of dark accessibility in recent years, lead by Mgła and Uada, of course. Well, it’s time to add German act The Spirit to that anti-cosmic metal of death party. The band will release the second LP, and debut for AOP Records, on February 7. But we’ve got the fist single and video from Cosmic Terror for you right here, along with some context courtesy of guitarist/vocalist M.T.
“‘Serpent As Time Reveals’ was the first song I wrote for our second album, Cosmic Terror, and by far the one that needed the most time. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t felt a certain pressure at the time, after raising the bar for our own standards with our debut. Once the song was finished, it felt like a real liberation for me and served as an essential motivation boost for the songwriting of the rest of the album. We picked the track as our first single, since it seemed like the best transition between the first release and the new one.”
Pre-order Cosmic Terror from the AOP Records EU-Store here and from the AOP Records U.S. store here.