CONTEST: Win Weekend Nachos Swag! Send Nachos Recipes!

Over a plate of tasty three cheese (Manchego, sharp cheddar, and Paški sir) nachos, the braniacs at Decibel thought it’d be quite rad to hear what you guys—i.e., our readership, those that think we’re peaches, those that think we’re fuckwads, etc.—concoct when you’re feeling the need to mow down on a slab of cheesy, chippy goodness.
Now, we realize getting you guys to participate in our nacho-loving madness would require something—perhaps anything—so we called up our fellow nacho-noshing friends at Relapse Records to help us out. See, they have this cool band called Weekend Nachos. Yes, we’re that thick. But perhaps you’ve heard of them. If not, they’re a zany group of Chicagoans who spill some of the nastiest hardcore presently known to man (check ‘em out HERE). And, well, they’re called Weekend Nachos.

So, here’s what we got in mind. You send us a recipe for the most kick-ass nacho dish you can make and we’ll farm out your submissions to members of Weekend Nachos so they can pick a few winners. That’s right. A real band picking your nacho submissions.

The coolest thing is we’re picking TWO (2) Grand Prize winners.

1. One for best meaty nachos.

2. One for best vegetarian nachos.

We want you to send us your best nacho recipe. Weekend Nachos will pick the two bestest.

Send your recipe by emailing us at: [email protected]


What do you win for your ultimate, world-altering nacho recipe?

Two GRAND PRIZE winners get the following:

1.       One (1) copy of Worthless and Unforgivable CDs

2.       One (1) Weekend Nacho or Relapse Records t-shirt

See, we were going to leave it at that, but, no, Relapse Records wanted two runners-up.

Two RUNNERS-UP get the following:

1.       One (1) copy of Worthless CD

It’s that easy. Send us your recipes. Weekend Nachos picks the winners. You get free music and clothing. Awesome!

NOT SO FINE PRINT: Contest ends: 5/23/2011. If you don’t win, we still think you’re cool. Relapse Records will send out the swag.


** Weekend Nachos’ new album, Worthless, is out May 17th on Relapse Records. Order it here.