Exit Interview: Colin Marston on Closing Menegroth the Thousand Caves
December 10, 2024 Decibel Magazine
This summer, as Colin Marston was regrouping while scouting for a new home for the studio, he took some time to reflect on the transition and take stock of the Menegroth experience as a whole.
Interview: Damian Herring of Subterranean Watchtower Studios/Horrendous
April 11, 2018 Sean Frasier
Damian Herring of Horrendous reveals his approach to engineering killer death metal with Subterranean Watchtower Studios.
Skeletonwitch Studio Video
September 6, 2013 Daniel Lake
Anybody heard of “Kurt Ballou”? The hairy dudes in this video here keep referring to him as if he’s well known or somehow important, even relevant (!) to the current music scene. Weird. He twiddles knobs, people. It’s not like he’s some badass guitar player or (ha!) songwriter in a legendary metallic hardcore band. Let’s…