Satanic Blood
INTERVIEW: Jason “Venien” Ventura of VON on blood, Satan, and being unconsciously black metal
January 14, 2013 Jonathan Horsley
Even though VON have been kicking around since ’87, are pretty much responsible for Watain’s existence (their name, at least), they only managed to get their shit together and release debut LP, Satanic Blood, in October of last year. There are mitigating circumstances and all, what with the band splitting and going into what appeared…
EXCLUSIVE: New VON music — “Jesus Stain”
October 3, 2012 Justin Norton
Of all the bands to crawl back from the metal abyss here’s something we never expected. VON is releasing a new album at the end of October and dB got an exclusive stream of “Jesus Stain” from Satanic Blood. The band expects to play a limited run of shows. Take a listen below and then…