Full Album Stream: Hysteria – “Night Closing In”
October 31, 2019 Emily Bellino
No tricks here! Stream the new album from Trevor William Church’s Hysteria!
Def Leppard Bassist Rick Savage Rocks Skeletonwitch Patch on “Good Morning America”
March 27, 2019 Emily Bellino
Def Leppard bassist Rick Savage is a Skeletonwitch fan!
Justify Your Shitty Taste: Def Leppard’s “Hysteria”
February 1, 2018 Greg Pratt
In 1987, Def Leppard released Hysteria , and metalheads worldwide agreed they had jumped the shark. Time to re-evaluate that.
HYSTERICAL: Hysteria – The Def Leppard Story, awful biopic, comedy gold
January 30, 2012 Jonathan Horsley
Firstly, kudos to Ben Ward of Orange Goblin for posting this on Facebook today and reminding us that This is Spinal Tap doesn’t have a monopoly on eliciting belly laughs at the expense of rock and metal’s superstars. You may like Def Leppard, and even those who don’t may still appreciate “Rocks Off” from On…