Couch Slut

Watch a Trailer to ‘A Wandering Path: The Story of Gilead Media’ and Read an In-Depth Review of the Documentary

April 3, 2023

Michael Dimmitt’s incredible new documentary A Wandering Path: The Story of Gilead Media, is screening in May. But you can watch the trailer and read a full review right now.

2014: The Year In Guest Posts

December 31, 2014

There are 52 weeks in a year. Give or take a few holidays and medical procedures that equals more than 100 blog posts annually when you have slots on Monday and Wednesday. There’s literally no way anyone trying to make a living could create that much original content (although Decibel alumni and Invisible Oranges founder…

NSFW: Couch Slut’s Cover Conundrum

December 8, 2014

We’re not at all shocked that a band called Couch Slut had trouble printing the artwork to their new album My Life As A Woman. And that’s before we even saw the image — a nothing-is-hidden illustration of felicitous fellatio too racy for ribald 70s tome The Joy Of Sex (check it out on their…