blood ceremony
Road Rituals: Blood Ceremony Tour Diary, Part 4
July 3, 2013 Jeff Treppel
Window display at Sonic Boom in Toronto: trying to pelt the glare into submission with invisible oranges. ***As chronicled by Alia O’Brien, singer/flutist/organist for Canada’s finest occult rockers, from their recently completed tour with Kylesa, White Hills, and Lazer/Wulf. Order their phenomenal new LP, The Eldritch Dark, here As we drove away from Calgary, missing…
Road Rituals: Blood Ceremony Tour Diary, Part 3
June 11, 2013 Jeff Treppel
Ramblin’ gamblin’ men. ***As chronicled by Alia O’Brien, singer/flutist/organist for Canada’s finest occult rockers, from their current tour with Kylesa, White Hills, and Lazer/Wulf. Remaining tour dates listed below; preorder their phenomenal new LP, The Eldritch Dark, here Although our highway blowout incident threatened the Albuquerque show, we made the gig and then set course…
Road Rituals: Blood Ceremony Tour Diary, Part 2
May 29, 2013 Jeff Treppel
Pre-show vampification ***As chronicled by Alia O’Brien, singer/flutist/organist for Canada’s finest occult rockers, from their current tour with Kylesa, White Hills, and Lazer/Wulf. Remaining tour dates listed below; preorder their phenomenal new LP, The Eldritch Dark, here Many people that we met in New Orleans insisted that the city is alive, and a short stay…
Road Rituals: Blood Ceremony Tour Diary, Part 1
May 21, 2013 Jeff Treppel
***As chronicled by Alia O’Brien, singer/flutist/organist for Canada’s finest occult rockers, from their current tour with Kylesa, White Hills, and Lazer/Wulf. Remaining tour dates listed below; preorder their phenomenal new LP, The Eldritch Dark, here Two days and ten degrees (Celsius!) stood between our homes in Toronto, Canada and our first date supporting Kylesa on…