Bill Steer
Carcass Celebrate 30th Anniversary of ‘Necroticism – Descanting the Insalubrious’
October 29, 2021 Chris Dick
Jeff Walker, Bill Steer, and Michael Amott recount the thesaurus-busting, mandatory-listen that is Carcass‘s Necroticism – Descanting the Insalubrious on its 30th birthday.
INTERVIEW: Bill Steer of Carcass
September 9, 2013 Jonathan Horsley
There are a lot of hooks on Surgical Steel, but that has always been the case with Carcass; no matter how brutal it gets, it’s always hummable. Has that been deliberate?“Well yeah, I’m glad you think that. Yes some of the music is difficult to the untrained listener but we do wanna have hooks; they…
Kings of Comedy: Gentlemans Pistols’ guide to British sitcoms.
July 25, 2011 Jonathan Horsley
Avowed rock atavists Gentlemans Pistols aren’t the sort of chaps to limit their appreciation of British pop culture to the pressed rat and warthog of ’60s/’70s classic rock. Catching up with vocalist/guitarist James Atkinson and drummer Stuart Dobbins after they’ve had a post-festival night battering the ale seemed as good a time as any to…