Blast Worship: Moral Bombing

Where they from? Dortmund, Germany.
Speaking of Germany, I tried watching the new version of All Quiet on the Western Front this past weekend and as a war film aficionado I honestly had to stop several times because it was just too intense. It was like the opening 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan but over and over again and without any sense of romanticism: just horrible death and misery over and over again — just like the 2023 New York Mets.

Why the hype?
YouTubers have dubbed this band “emoviolence/hardcore,” which I think is a pretty apt description, though I would say they do at times fall under the grindcore umbrella so long as your understanding of grind leans way more Cloud Rat and Iron Lung than it does Napalm Death. Either way this shit is phenomenal, beautiful, evocative and raw as fuck. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard a new metal band I could describe as “creative” but this band has it in spades, combining the most emotive elements of screamo, hardcore and grind, while still finding a way to retain originality.

Latest Release?
Erase Your Flesh, out now on Room 11. Aside from the shoegaze elements of the guitar work that are completely haunting, I think the most standout piece of the music here are the vocals, which are both incredibly raw yet powerful. The desperate shrieks of hopelessness that end “Shadow Dancers” are some of the best vocals I’ve heard all year. This is definitely a band to keep your eye on.