Blast Worship: Convulsions

Where they from?
Spain. The New York Rangers got Patrick Kane. Aaron Rodgers is coming to the Jets. The Nets got a bigger scoreboard and the next have managed to not lose some basketball games recently. Is this it? Is this the fabled New York sports supremacy we’ve all been waiting for? I for one cannot wait to see how all of this crashes and burns spectacularly while some team from the midwest gets to raise yet another championship banner.

Why the hype?
I FUCKING LOVE THIS BAND. There is really not much to say here, they are cool and kick ass and sound like Spanish Insect Warfare and if you aren’t down with that than I’m sorry but you should be reading a different website. Seriously, I know Craigslist got rid of their personnel section but have you tried Etsy? They have some excellent Scooby-Doo napkins I’m sure you and your multiple cats will just love.

Latest Release?
Grindcore Not War, self-released. So I didn’t realize that this is just a preview of several tracks from an upcoming full-length they plan on releasing soon. Oh well, it’s still better than like ninety-nine percent of the bullshit I have to sift through for this fucking series. All hail Convulsions, ALL HAIL PATRICK KANE!