You know a metal song is good when your head starts moving and you make that face like you just tasted something really gross. I mean that in a good way, I promise! And this totally applies to “War Is Coming,” the new track from the Danish old-school death metal outfit: Thorium.
Thorium has been around for a long time, forming in 1997 and unleashing its debut, Ocean of Blasphemy, in 2000. With their fantastic early albums, the band hewed very close to the cutting melodic aggression of bands like Hypocrisy and God Dethroned. But over the course of the 2000s and into the following decade, the band’s sound shifted closer to the meatier grinding power of Master, Asphyx, Grave and Autopsy. Hey, no complaints here, that’s basically the metal equivalent of a course of lobster followed by another of steak.
The band continues on this trajectory on the new song, which Decibel is happy to premiere along with it’s bombastic video via Emanzipation Productions. I dig Michael Anderson’s 1970s vibe with the vest and aviators. But I dig the song’s riffs and hooks even more. And I think you will, too — check it out!