Hideous Entity, the second album from international death metal outfit Hyperdontia, is an improvement on the band’s debut album in every way. Picking up in a similar place to the last album but sharpened by an EP and split with death/doom dealers Mortiferum, Hyperdontia drag the listener into a murky pit of doom-tinged riffs, blasting drums and eerie atmosphere.
The tone is set immediately on “Snakes of Innards,” which begins with a crawling riff and restrained drumming before settling into an aggressive, rolling pace. At 40 minutes and eight tracks, Hideous Entity maintains a brisk pace throughout, feeding the listener one riff or creepy melody after another.
Hyperdontia have succeeded in creating a pure, ugly death metal album with Hideous Entity. Listen to the full record below and grab a copy via Dark Descent (US), Me Saco Un Ojo (UK) and Dessicated Productions.