Brett Clarin, sole abyssalnaut of symphonic death/black metallers Journey Into Darkness, has been silently productive over the last two years. During the heights of the global pandemic, Clarin, under the guise of Journey Into Darkness, released is sophomore album, Multitudes of Emptiness. Now, a year later, the Floridian, ex-Sorrow guitarist have put new album, Infinite Universe Infinite Death, a cosmos-ward foray into Clarin’s symphonic black metal interests.
“Impossible Universe” is the track Journey Into Darkness, its label Spirit Coffin Publishing, and Decibel have agreed to premiere. This isn’t the Danny Elfman-prone symphonic stuff either. Like but not similar to one-man outfits Traumatic Voyage, Oxiplegatz, and Spectral Lore, Clarin’s mind of the unending depths of eternal darkness (i.e., space) merges haunting passages with brutal heft. There’s a lot of doom-death in Journey Into Darkness’ indie procession from debut album Life Is a Near Death Experience (1996) to Infinite Universe Infinite Death.
Says Clarin: “‘Infinite Universe Infinite Death’ is meant to be a more complete transition into symphonic black metal with some of my death/doom roots in mind and the previous synth/orchestral elements still holding strong. Melody that conveys a sense of darkness, oppression, and the indifference of our known universe was at the heart of this album, this song “Impossible Universe” developed into something more epic and wondrous than expected so I needed lyrics to reflect that mood. And what is more grandiose than the wonder and absurdity of the universe? I’ve always been fascinated by space and theoretical sciences. We can answer many of life’s biggest questions of origin and framework with mathematical formulas, but our minds our incapable of fully comprehending them. I still love to wonder about it all and let my imagination run. It is an escape from the mundane tasks of life. This is a song about “everything.””
Jettison off mundanity with the imperium of Journey Into Darkness’ “Impossible Universe”.