Hailing from the Witch City of Massachussetts, Salem-based deathcore quintet Carnivora formed over a decade ago in 2010. The band has now released their third single since vocalist Haydee Irizarry took the helm. “Hypnogenic” is the band’s newest offering, and they’re doing so in true MA style: they recruited the talents from Boston melodeath institution Shadows Fall for the track. Decibel is pleased to share the video for Carnivora’s new single below.
A scramble of pixels. A hiss of static. Then “Hypnogenic” formally begins broadcasting the song’s mosh-stirring riffs. Carnivora’s new single drools groove courtesy of guitarists Cody Michaud and Mike Meehan. The song also balances late-’90s metal influences with a catchy blend of contemporary genres that end with “core.” Then halfway through, Irizarry persues divination with a skyward wail. The recognizable shredding of Jon Donais (Anthrax, Shadows Fall) sets the track on fire. Soon after, Matt Bachand (Shadows Fall, Act of Defiance) explodes into the mix with guest growls. Directed by Jarvis of Punchdance Studios, the video is disorienting in a way that perfectly suits the song. The song is a restless celebration of heaviness, and shapeshifts often to keep listeners engaged.
Bite into Carnivora’s “Hypnogenic” by pressing play below.
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