Since forming in 2019 the Las Vegas-based death-doom trio Holy Death have been on a seemingly non-stop rampage, releasing one monumental EP after the next as if dire circumstances demanded it. In a sense, they do. Because, as it turns out, Holy Death’s guitarist/vocalist Torie John has touched the other side.
“The band was formed after I had a near death experience in 2019,” explains Holy Death’s frontman. “Within a month or so of being discharged from the hospital our first demo was recorded and released.”
From personal experience, let me tell you that nothing will make you seize the day (and the night and every minute in-between) like a near death experience. Meanwhile Holy Death’s brand of monolithic, heavy-hitting death-doom gets more potent with each new release. Today we’re psyched to present our readers with an exclusive early stream of Holy Death’s third EP of 2020, Deus Mortis. Meaning ‘God of Death,’ Deus Mortis hits like a giant’s skull used for a wrecking ball—five times over, including their knuckle-dragging overhaul of Entombed’s divisive “Wolverine Blues.”
Torie continues to explain, “Over the past year the band has been shaping its sound. On this EP things have really come together sonically. We have our own blend of death and doom—drawing inspiration from bands such as Bolt Thrower, Electric Wizard, Entombed and Sleep. Overall, we wanted to write heavy, crushing, groove-driven songs. The title track of the album Deus Mortis was inspired lyrically by a Hindu mantra for the God of Death, Yama. All the songs on the EP share a common lyrical theme of spiritual and metaphysical freedom. After my brush with death last year I really began to dig deep and explore those spiritual connections I had taken for granted—ensuring I would be true to myself like any day could be my last.”