Operating out of San José, Costa Rica, this week’s band, called Deplorable, features two members of Demo:listen alumni Astriferous. Although you’d never guess it from listening to Longing For Eternal Rest…, the miserable quartet’s four track debut which dropped last year. While Astriferous shred wild death metal, Deplorable’s demo is a boiling and bottomless cesspool of the heaviest elements from several extreme metal subgenres distilled into something like doomed sludge death.
“We share members with Astriferous, Liberosis, VoidOath and Age of the Wolf in which we explore multiple styles of extreme music such as death, grindcore and stoner doom so we felt the need to form a new band and explore sludge doom in the styles of bands we love like Eyehategod or Dystopia,” writes Deplorable.
They continue to explain why they chose their name. “We were looking for a straightforward name that encompasses the nature of our sound and concept,” they say. “We were playing around with words fitting to the sound of the music and found out there was no other band using the name. Since sludge doom usually deals with themes of depression and the decadent human condition we went for it.”
Deplorable say they “take a lot of influence from bands such as Corrupted, Confessor, Noothgrush, Grief and Toadliquor but we also are very influenced by other bands from other forms of extreme metal and hardcore punk such as Disembowelment, Electric Wizard, Coffins, Anti Sect and Discharge. We don’t try to emulate any release in specific rather the aspects from the music we enjoy that we would like to translate into our own output.”
Longing For Eternal Rest…
Deplorable provide a rundown of how Longing For Eternal Rest… came together. “The creative process took about 5 months since we started rehearsing together,” they say. “The band was basically born one Sunday evening while hungover after a night of heavy drinking, we decided to go to our practice space and start jamming a few slow, heavy riffs we had laying around. The songs were put together one riff at a time, that was the general method.
“Recurrent themes in the lyrics are about the degradation of the human psyche and how that leads to depression and suicidal thoughts,” they continue, describing the themes behind their obscenely heavy and morose metal. “Also we explore themes about satanism in our own perspective and our collective hate for idiotic and religious people.”
Deplorable say “We believe ‘Urge to Die’ has all of the elements we intended to include in the sound of the band. It has the horror movie sample at the start, the crushingly heavy intro, the fast punk riffs, the slow, groovy parts. . . Also, lyrically it can be considered the best representation of the [Deplorable] concept as a whole.”
Most of the recent projects from these men have all “been recorded at Saturno Music with Diego and mastered at Colossal Abominations by our friend and bandmate Federico,” Deplorable relate. “We consider this to be the formula to achieve the type of production value we’re aiming for, for example, we can record all the instruments simultaneously in a live session, reamp the tracks and then add the vocals and additional details. . . We were fortunate enough to achieve the vision we had when we started writing the songs. The demo came to be exactly as we intended both musically and aesthetically.”
Longing for Eternal Rest… came out on pro-tape from Seed of Doom records earlier this year. Deplorable say they’re “looking for additional releases on vinyl and CD.”
Some time has passed since Deplorable released their debut, but Deplorable spent that time wisely. “After the release of our demo, we were focused on our live debut which took place on March 1st alongside Bloodsoaked Necrovoid, VoidOath and Suicidio Infantil. Now, we’re working on new songs for future releases. We’re planning a split and another EP but will share further details when time is due.”