Karg is a bit of a Stone Sour situation — not that those post-black metallers sound anything like those Iowans. No, Corey Taylor and Karg’s J.J. both started those projects before their breadwinners: Slipknot and Harakari in the Sky, respectively. However, the comparisons end there, as exhibited by the epic “Alaska” from forthcoming Traktat LP.
The song aches with weeping melodies, as the 11-minute journey seemingly covers as much ground as the landscapes shown in the accompanying visuals, which are aptly wintery. The wavering yells add emotion that a typical blackened screech just couldn’t. While, the timbre is unique, so too are the lyrics: primarily performed in the dialect spoken by Austria’s Tennen Mountains. However, J.J. speaks in English when explaining the importance of the song.
“‘Alaska’ is more or less the heart piece of Traktat: musically and lyrically. The context of the title stands for both a place where I always dreamt to go to one day and a cold place, deep in someone’s heart.”
You can hear Karg’s latest in the player below.
Traktat is out February 7, 2020 via AOP Records. It can be pre-ordered here (EU) and here (US).