Full Album Stream: Transient with Bastard Noise – “Sources of Human Satisfaction”

Noise and grindcore go together like cheese and fine wine… I think. What I’m getting at is that the two genres enhance each other when employed in tandem; such is the case with Source of Human Satisfaction, the new collaborative album from Transient and Bastard Noise. Bastard Noise’s Eric Wood contributes blasts of harsh noise that serve as vicious enhancements to the faster parts of Source of Human Satisfaction and ups the harshness on the album’s slower sections.

Like all good grind albums, Sources of Human Satisfaction is over as quickly as it begins; Transient and Bastard Noise rip through 10 songs in less than 20 minutes.

“This album has been quite a long time in the making and we’re really excited to for others to finally hear it!” vocalist Krysta Curry-Martinez tells Decibel. “The official release coincides with Transient embarking on a European tour with friends of ours in the German band Trigger.  It will be Transient’s first time overseas and we couldn’t be more thrilled. When we return – we will be in the lab with Wood again to work on developing live performances and future releases – stay tuned.”
You can stream Sources of Human Satisfaction below and purchase it via Bandcamp. For more Bastard Noise, check out their website.