Since Issue #75, Decibel has brought you left-of-center b-sides, rarities, live recordings and new songs from top-tier metal bands via the outstanding Flexi Series. Want to hear the stories behind these recordings? Read on.
Holy freakin’ woah! SubRosa‘s hulking chords, massive percussion and thick bowed-string atmospheres absolutely crush on their contribution this month. Fans, you’ll definitely want to add this song to your rotation once Profound Lore unleashes SubRosa’s newest full-length, For This We Fought the Battle of Ages, as “Key of the Eidolon” was always meant to be the final word on that album. I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve had some ego-flattening doom on flexi (quick website fact check: true, it’s been a while), and this song makes one hell of an impression.
How were you approached to contribute to the Flexi Series?
Albert approached me at the beginning of February via e-mail and asked if we would like to contribute to the Flexi Series. I said yes.
What song did you choose for the Flexi?
Well, we had an outro to the upcoming SubRosa album that we had wanted to include on the album itself, but it just wasn’t coming together properly, and we were running out of time. Plus, the album was already 64 minutes long and the outro was going to push the album to around 70 minutes … pretty out of control. I was really bummed about the outro not making it on the album, so when Albert approached us about doing the Flexi Series, I thought it was a great chance to have the time to rewrite the outro and release it in another way. The outro (“Key of the Eidolon”) is the ending impression we wanted to leave with the listener of the album. The album brings up a lot of questions, and the outro is the answer. So since the outro is coming out first, I guess this Flexi disc will be like Jeopardy.
When and where did you record the song? How much time and work did it take?
We recorded the song at Andy’s studio (the Boar’s Nest) in Salt Lake City. It actually went a lot more smoothly and seamlessly than recording the album. I think we recorded the song in two days and mixed it in a couple more.
Any thoughts about the color choice? (After this interview, it was revealed that the Flexi would be white with gold text.)
No, I don’t know what color it is! I’m excited to find out. We’re cool with any color.
Have you listened to other songs in the Flexi Series?
I have not. 😐 I get it every month, and see who contributed, but my record player has been disconnected for a long time and I have been too lazy to figure out how to navigate the million cables and four DVD/CD players and five speakers and subwoofer in my living room to reconnect it. I keep buying new vinyl too, and not listening to it. I need to fix that because answering this question sucked for me.
Check out all the Decibel flexis here.