This is our fourth post from director Aaron Beaucher on the making of the new A Pale Horse Named Death video “DMSLT.” An updated gallery follows.
During the past few weeks, we’ve been working on integrating the effect shots into the video. The process can be cumbersome. The first step was to import our edit from Adobe Premiere into After Effects, the program we use to process all of our composites and final post work. As we exported each shot, we had to keep careful notes of video time codes when we grabbed still frames so we could perfectly align things back into the composites.
The effect shots needed to be converted to pure black and white imagery so we could overlay them on top of the video with alpha channels or through a simple additive layer mix.
You quickly get a sense of how each shot is working once you start to position and track them in. In most cases, they integrate really well, but we found ourselves going back to our in-house studio to rework a few shots to get things just right.
Below, you can see a few grabs that show the integration. You can also check out this YouTube clip to see a final composite.
Look for our final Glimpse Behind the Horse in a couple weeks when the final DMSLT video debuts on Decibel.