Video Premiere: ÆGES “My Medicine”

As someone who grew up on shitty Midwestern boner rock radio, I get a little more excited than most of our staff (most of whom were making corpsepaint rorschachs in their diapers) when a clever, no-bullshit hard rock band graces our pages. ÆGES have already got some Upfront and reviews section love (well, they will in June) in dB, so damn right we’re premiering their new video.
Not to belabor biographical points made in both, but this is that Pelican/Undertow offshoot you’ve been hearing about that brings back 90s post-hxc in a crazy catchy way. I like that the video is just Band In A Room, Bringing It. Too many concept videos for anyone who’s not meat-and-potatoes thrash or DM lately; if you need to “tell a story” and it’s not as comprehensible as “One,” don’t bother.

So yeah, this is good news. Whole record’s just as fun.