Wacken Photo Dump 2011


Because I couldn’t get to Wacken, the next best thing was reading the German websites for updates and photos. Because I don’t speak German, the next best thing was using a very shoddy free online translation service to decipher what exactly I was looking at. Endless fun!

1. (photo above, credit: dpa) Nicht nur die jüngeren Einwohner Wackens freuten sich auf das Festival und den Trubel in dem sonst eher verschlafenen Ort.

Shoddy translation: Not only the younger inhabitants Wackens looked forward to the festival and the Trubel in the place rather sleepy otherwise.

Headbanging zur Musik: Schon bei der Warm-up-Party kam ordentlich Stimmung auf.
Shoddy translation: Headbanging to the music: Already in the warmly-up-party, mood arose orderly.


Dass sie mit heruntergelassener Hose am Tresen standen, schien diesen Festivalbesuchern nicht unangenehm zu sein.
Shoddy translation: That they stood with lower pair of pants at the counter, seemed to be not unpleasant to these festival visitors.

In ihren weißen Anzügen stachen diese Heavy-Metal-Fans aus der großteils schwarz gekleideten Menge hervor.
Shoddy translation: In its white suits, these Heavy-Metal-fans stuck out quantity of blackly clothed out of the large parts.

Diese Metaller sahen zwar bedrohlich aus, dennoch geht es beim Wacken meist ausgesprochen friedlich zu.
Shoddy translation: These Metaller looked to be sure threateningly, nevertheless it closes woke expressed in that usually peacefully.

This picture was from an American newspaper, so there’s no German caption, but this dude is awesome, so he deserves to be in our photo dump.

And here’s a memorable shot from Wacken 2010.

On that note, have a great week, everybody!