Regular Decibel readers have long been aware of the charms, brilliant hot hot chaotic post-hardcore jams, and edifying intellectual aspects of Look What I Did. (Who could not love a band that titles an album Atlas Drugged then plumps it with songs like “My Girlfriend, Leo Strauss,” “Pussy Comitatus,” “Jekyll Island Fiat Scratch”?!) Those who don’t follow vocalist Barry Donegan on Twitter, however–error!–may as yet remain in the dark concerning his ambitious plan to create “more efficient alternatives” to the current on-the-edge-of-extinction record delivery system via the website Gazzmic, the opening gambit in a “master plan to replace the music industry with something fairer to bands and listeners.” Donegan was kind enough to take a few minutes to give Decibel the lowdown on his decentralization express:
“Gazzmic began as a way to stage a technological revolution against the failed aspects of the modern music industry. The goal is to help bands and fans capitalize on the ease of delivering content in the Information Age. A wide range of new technological tools and a content management system are on the way; the first order of business is a free custom mobile app platform for bands for the iPhone and Android Market. The endgame for Gazzmic, which I can’t speak in detail on just yet, involves easier access to music for fans and a more profitable means of content delivery for bands. We are just now entering the closed beta phase, so the excitement will be unfolding in the near future.”
Check out the mission statement which promises, among other things, a “new era of creativity akin to the Renaissance on steroids” (!). Bands interested in collaborating should contact [email protected]. Readers in the Nashville area can catch Look What I Did opening for Brutal Truth this Thursday evening at The Muse. (Who knows, maybe Kevin Sharp will punch a heckler in the face!) Also, another LWID video after the jump…