STREAMING: Nidingr “Greatest of Deceivers”

It ain’t often we say, “Hey, check out this black metal band with a great bass player!” Normally, bass players in black metal get the Jason Newsted treatment, but Borre-based Nidingr have two in guitarists Blargh and Teloch. Why have a full-time bass player when you have two guys with enough talent to sound like…


One Last Bitter Retreat
dB Rating: 8/10

STREAMING: Mayhem “Psywar”

The True Mayhem. Ground zero for Norwegian black metal. Since 1984, the Oslo-based outfit has made waves. Though it would take a good number of years—about three, actually—before Deathcrush hit posers hard, the group’s coup de grace was posthumous debut album, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. With Euronymous dead and the Norwegian scene reeling from heavy…