
They Did It All for the Nookie: Decibel Explores the Rise and Fall of Nu-Metal

August 13, 2015

The intro is long. Nearly 50 seconds without tipping its hand. A new band should be terrified to open a record like this, worried that potential listeners will get bored with a lone ride cymbal and high, jangly guitar chord. And it’s certainly not something a discerning producer is going to throw on the radio. But then comes that growl—Are you reeeeeaaaady?!—and you hear a musical revolution being born… Which then died, less than a decade later.

Remixing metal: What’s the worst that could happen?

December 16, 2011

Maybe it’s the straight-to-video action movie genre or the rising popularity of MMA that’s to blame, seeing that both seem to love setting action to metal guitars and electronic beats, but despite metal remix albums almost always sucking they’re not disappearing any time soon. On February 24th, Morbid Angel will release Illud Divinum Insanus—the Remixes,…