Just to be clear, this new video from Tennessee hardcore bass-drum duo Thetan ain’t about laundry day. The “white sheets” in the title are a reference to (presumably) the Ku Klux Klan, if the invective expressed in the lyrics is any indication. The video, filmed and edited by Ryan Lewis, is an effects-laden performance clip with a layer of flames overlaid as Chad L’Eplattenier (drums, theremin) and Dan Emery (bass, theremin, vocals, mountain dulcimer) blast through an alternately ominous and scathing track. Emery’s angry lyrics are spotlighted in the background, as well.
“White Sheets Blowing in The Breeze” comes from Thean’s latest album, Garnd Ole Agony, which was released on Emery’s Anti-Corporate Music in October. You can order etched LPs, CDs, and digital downloads at the label webshop here and Bandcamp here, And check out the duo’s upcoming live dates listed below the video.
This is what Emery had to say about the track:
“This is a very personal song. It was written about my uncle who was a horrible human being—a racist, abusive, waste of human existence. There is a person like him in everyone’s life, a person who defies your personal convictions and tries to wedge themselves into your existence by some superficial “blood of my blood” bullshit. You don’t owe these people your presence. You are allowed to never forgive people. Some people deserve nothing more than to be eradicated from one’s life. Kill them in your art, and let fate finish them off in person.”
Thetan live dates:
12/07/2023 Nashville, TN: The End – w/ Skeletal Remains, Act of Impalement
12/10/2023 Nashville, TN: Nashville Punk Rock Flea Market @ East Side Bowl – w/ The Dwarves, more
12/10/2023 Nashville, TN: Drkmttr – w/ Mutilatred, Sugarplums, Torsion, more