Released today under the Desert Wastelands banner, this split brings together the filth-ridden brutality of Australian Demo:listen alumni Vile Apparition and Italian technical death thrashers Miscreance.
According to Vile Apparition, their side of the split “is the follow up to [their] 2019 LP Depravity Ordained.” The band writes, “We pumped this sucker out of our rehearsal space in between numerous lockdowns within our native Melbourne, Australia over a few self-produced sessions back in March 2021. It’s great to finally have this slab of brutality out on the table and we couldn’t be happier to share it with Italian brain metal lords, courtesy of the almighty Desert Wastelands Productions.”
For their part, Miscreance say, “This split sounds like flows of crystalized lava and winds of rotting stench. We found a home at Desert Wastelands. Coming from a demo tape and about to release our first album Convergence, we managed to make the planet collapse another time, with the help of the mighty Vile Apparition.”
With Vile Apparition occupying the brutal tech death side of death metal, and Miscreance sounding very similar to old school masters like Death and early Cynic, the split seems like an unlikely pairing, at least on paper. But both bands show up in absolute top form and the final results are simply too sick to deny. Not to mention the incredible artwork of Oscar Bonin that adorns the cover. Ignore at your own peril.