It’s that time of year, my peeps… with everyone posting their best of lists, why not have one from your boy Waldo? I mean, everyone knows that my taste is a peck above everyone else after all. These are in no particular order, but please go and check these bands out.
Undergang, Aldrig I livet
This is a NASTY exercise in OSDM. Definitely a contender for AOTY.
Nothing, The Great Dismal
Transcendent beauty and crushing darkness wrapped in one total metalgaze package.
Miasmatic Necrosis, Apex Profane
Some of the best gore metal to come out in recent years.
Skeletal Remains, The Entombment of Chaos
You like a little Morbid Angel in your death metal? Skeletal Remains harkens back to the old days of the ancient ones…
Pyrrhon, Abscess Time
Part death metal, part noise fuckery, and part dominatrix stepping on your balls.
Fotocrime, South of Heaven
One foot planted firmly and goth and one foot planted firmly in a John Carpenter soundtrack.
Bedsore, Hypnogogic Hallucinations
Leprosy-era Death TRUE death metal. Killer.
Matmos, The Consuming Flame Open Exercises In Group Form
One can’t describe Matmos, electronic fuckery.
Necrot, Mortal
Badass OSDM with actual hooky songs and great riffs.
Tombs, Under Sullen Skies
Neo black metal with a healthy dose of Sisters of Mercy thrown in.
Sunrot, Dialectical
Punk, noise, sludge, whatever it is, it’s pecking MEAN!
Mrs Piss, Self Surgery
Post rock punk drudgery. Featuring Chelsea Wolfe.
Dropdead, Dropdead
Quick, furious stabs of anarcho politi-punk.
Napalm Death, Throes of Joy In the Jaws of Defeatism
Grind legends hit hard with a proto industrial vibe.