Let Us Prey are led by Ross the Boss frontman Marc Lopes, but Men o’ War they ain’t. The M-Theory Audio band lean more modern than that band’s more traditional heavy metal. “Ghost Echoes” is the latest single from their label debut yet finds them at odds with much of its catalogue.
The cyclical opening sounds like the second half of In Flames’ career, replete with chugs and keys. However, the vocals sound nothing like Anders Fridén. When they’re aggressive, they’re as much yells as they are screams, a little like Machine Head’s Robb Flynn. The singing maintains a power metal flare. All of which sets this apart from typical metalcore fare.
Lopes digs deep on their latest song, explaining the thought process behind it all.
“‘Ghost Echoes’ is a tale of someone who uploads their consciousness to a collective cloud/program to remain immortal and present to loved ones eternal. It questions the existence of the human soul or are we just biomechanics machines. We experimented with analog synth patterns in this one to give the song a mechanical, synthetic vibe to it. Musically, it has a very syncopated pulse happening vocally, drum- and guitar-wise as well, very Fear Factory influenced: a huge inspiration of mine. And having our brother Jimi Bell from Autograph/House of Lords do his infamous shredding playing style on this just pulled it all together with what we wanted to achieve on this track.”
Virtues of the Vicious is out July 24. Pre-order it here.