Texas death/thrashers Rabid Flesh Eaters just don’t give a fuck. How do I know? Because they’re releasing the second LP, R.F.E., tomorrow, that’s right — on fucking Saturday! How else do I know? Their latest video for LP track “The Fall” is an eight-minute epic that follows the protagonist as he partakes in mind-altering drugs and begins seeing zombies and monsters. I won’t drop any spoilers, so you’ll have to have to tune in below right after you read some quick takes from members of Rabid Flesh Eaters.
Mike Taylor (guitars): “’The Fall’ video can be viewed as a self-reflection on damaging yourself and others while suffering in a state of total psychotic turmoil. Your perception of reality can be twisted and dangerous to your health and others.”
Ricky Wilson (vocals): “If you’re the one that likes Bad Blood, then you’re the one that’s going to take the fall.”
John Hill (bass): “Eventually, there is a price to pay for everything. PSA Announcement: Don’t Do Drugs.”
Don’t wait until rabid flesh Easter — order you copy copy of R.F.E. right here, right now.