Black Curse are a Denver-based black death band featuring Spectral Voice’s drummer E. Wendler on guitar and vocals, Primitive Man’s bassist Jonathan Campos also on guitar, Khemmis’ drummer Zach Coleman on drums plus Morris Kolontyrsky, guitarist of Blood Incantation and Spectral Voice, on bass. With a line-up like that, of course you’re psyched to hear what Black Curse sound like. It doesn’t help that this full length is nearly five years in the making at this point nor that the only works Black Curse have put out so far are two highly sought-after relics released exclusively at last year’s Kill Town Death Fest in Copenhagen, Denmark.
But finally, the time has come to reveal Black Curse. Taken from their debut full length, Endless Wound, out April 24 on Sepulchral Voice, “Enraptured by Decay” represents the album’s third track. Since Endless Wound is a relentless assault of old school black death malice, any track could’ve worked.
“Madness, entropy, and absolute worship of death!” writes Black Curse regarding the premiere of their filth-ridden sound. “Vicious bites from the jaws of a dying breed! rejecting modernity and contemporary ‘scenes’ to a time when the lines of black and death metal were blurred, in unholy unity. The presence of deathly forms and visions of malevolent auras are absolute necessity. Bursts of violent attacks give way to ecstatic trance, where possession takes its hold . . . We drink your poisoned blood, and ride on your wings towards our death! Insatiably, we thirst for the infinite.”