Magic Circle + Cosmic Eye Brewing Beer Collaboration Announced for Decibel’s Metal & Beer Fest: Philly

After three Metal & Beer Fests in Philly (and another pair in Los Angeles), Decibel has learned the very valuable lesson of pacing oneself at an event with roughly 50 beers to sample and seven can’t-miss sets to catch. That’s precisely why we’re stoked to watch New England heavy doom crew Magic Circle kick off the weekend on Friday night (April 3 at the Fillmore Philly) with poor of their highly-crushable, low-ABV collaboration with Nebraska’s Cosmic Eye Brewing safely in hand!

“We were already excited to share our beers with everyone at the Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest in Philly, but being able to do a collaboration beer with one of our favorite bands really put this over the top for us,” says Cosmic Eye founder Sam Riggins. “We’re proud to present Hypnotized, a dry-hopped lager along side our new friends from Magic Circle!”

“We’re super psyched to do this collab with Cosmic Eye,” offers Magic Circle guitarist Chris Corry. “The guys in the band who drink are stoked to try it, and those of us who don’t are excited to share it with everyone else. The beer is named after our song Hypnotized, the last track on our latest LP, Departed Souls. Hopefully everyone is hypnotized by the taste.”

If you wanna sample Hypnotized we suggest you you stop staring in to middle distance right now. Because the “Metal & Beer” ticket option that entitles attendees to pours from all 19 breweries at the festival, are down to under 20 weekend passes! Don’t abstain—get your tickets below!

Purchase Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest: Philly Two-Day tickets
Purchase Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest: Philly April 3 tickets
Purchase Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest: Philly April 4 tickets