Ubiquitous facial recognition tech. Individuals smashed or corrupted in the consensual panopticon of social media. Killer flying robots and death lasers casually deployed by government.
Seriously, was any age better primed for a return to dark, foreboding cold school industrial than ours?
Former Faces of the Bog guitarist/vocalist Chuck Clybourne is putting his money on a hard “No” with The Black Mark, the debut album from his mesmerizing new project 5 R V L N 5. (“Surveillance.”)
And while the album doesn’t hit streets until March 13, we’ve got a sneak peek for you right goddamn now via the exclusive premiere of the video for “The Flesh” below…
“The whole experience of making this album has been about trusting in the creative process,” Clybourne tells Decibel. “Musically, the record was done, but I was struggling with how I wanted to portray it visually. Once [director] David [Leep of Hexagram media] entered the picture, everything snapped into place.”
Preorder The Black Mark here.