Some bands really know how to make a point and just smash it through your skulls.
That’s what London’s Lvcifyre does with their absolutely unrelenting form of death metal. Steeped in the classic sounds of Immolation, Incantation and Formulas-era Morbid Angel, the band’s style is a devastating storm of furious darkness. On their albums The Calling Depths and Svn Eater (I guess they’re really leaning into the whole using “v” instead of “u” thing), the band forged their fiery identity alongside stylistic contemporaries like Ritual Necromancy, Grave Miasma and Ignivomous.
To call the band “blackened death metal” doesn’t seem to do the band justice. Sure, there are elements of both black and death metal in their music, but what they produce seems like its own entity. It’s noisy, but not incomprehensible. It’s brutal, but still has atmosphere. Whatever it is, it’s harsh, heavy and evil.
Now in 2019, the band continues it rampage with the new EP, Sacrament. Check out the song “The Greater Curse,” below to see how much aural destruction your senses can handle.