Greek black metal luminaries Varathron are stepping out of the shadows and into the blinding light with two videos from their new album, Patriarchs of Evil. The first, a raging number called “Into the Absurd,” is a standard live video shot in black and white. Tasteful artistically and pointed towards a band interested in a profile increase, it shows Varathron are serious about their intentions in 2018 and beyond. This is is further driven home, so to speak, by the release of a second video, a conceptual piece of a dark birth rite in the form of “Remnants of the Dark Testament.” Working in conjunction with Agonia and Varathron, Decibel is proud to present the world premiere of “Remnants of the Dark Testament,” a NSFW video artfully by budding videographer Sotiris Benekos.
Comments Varathron founding member Stefan Necroabyssious: “The Abyssic Black Cult salutes all maniacs around the world! As you may know, this year we celebrate our 30th anniversary. The release of Patriarchs of Evil is followed already by astonishing reviews and an overwhelming response from fans. “Remnants of the Dark Testament” is the most unique and spiritual track of our new album, so we decided to create something special within its concept. After four months of preparation, shooting, editing and lots of cursing, we are excited to present this dark vision to you. Enjoy.”
Enjoy indeed, if withered men with withered fingers performing an ancient birth ritual on a naked woman is your speed. Otherwise, check out the music, particularly guitarists Sotiris Kokkinos and Achilleas C., as it coils around your hippocampus like a black python in need of a real meal.
** Varathron’s new album, Patriarchs of Evil, is out now on Agonia Records. Fans of quality Greek black metal can order Patriarchs of Evil on LP or CD by clicking HERE.