Has there ever been a band more deserving of a spot on the Horror Pain Gore Death roster than VHS? The gore metal maniacs worship at the altar of all things bloodstained, releasing their latest album, The New Batch, today (featuring appearances from Dave Ingram, Blood Freak and Impetigo members) and to celebrate, Decibel have acquired an extra dose of campy horror: their music video for “From the Scrapyard to the Graveyard,” which features unseen footage from new horror film Killer Campout.
The video was actually edited by Fuzz Monkey Films, who also produced the movie. The combination of death, thrash and grind in “From the Scrapyard to the Graveyard” goes excellently with grainy footage of VHS performing live. It even features a guest vocal spot from Dave Ingram (ex-Bolt Thrower). You can watch “From the Scrapyard to the Graveyard” below.
The New Batch is available digitally through HPGD and on CD via Rotten Roll Rex.